Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cut my Finger Ouch

Haiz yesterday really make me sad as my finger cut by cooking knive, really big knife ...painfull...the blood can't stop until I put "Betadin" & give Handyplus...oh so careless.

I cooked "CHICKEN SOTO" yesterday, nice & yummy...Oh ya with smashed potatoes. Give my self a thumb.

Wow Happy... M daddy, brother & sis in law overstay in our lovely home, really great to have more people in our home. I will have friend to chat, share knowledge and experience..more people the merrier.

Sad to see my J, he feel really sad with his community that he ever gave his service & disappointed with the members. How should I help him to cope with his problem ?? He still have the scar with him.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Meet u..."Blog"

12 Jan 2010 11.30AM
Morning sunshine, yawn..., wake up with morning prayer to Mother Mary ^^. The wind really nice today..cooling.
Hem read my GMAIL..wow something below my friend mail name looks like a Website or a link or hem try to click Ouch it's a "BLOG"..hem interesting
Think think to make my own as well. I fill this and fill that, find interesting name..ouch no duplicate name, find the synonym..Hoho gotcha, I got the name ebodjourney.FIUH.
Now need to choose a template, hem dats not bad, oh dats too usual, hem this i think describe me..click.
Ahaa.. now I'm writing about my first time, I meet you "BLOG"and try to figure out how to use it and make it interesting